Burning Rubber
Have Complete Confidence Answering Client Questions

Burning Rubber:
Have Complete Confidence Answering Client Questions

This week’s homework assignment:

  1. Watch week #5 video
  2. Read and Memorize "How to Overcome the 25 Most Common Sales Objections", in Volume 1, Module 2 Sales Mastery of the Tax Resolution Domination System. The best way to learn these scripts is to role play with another person until you are comfortable and don’t have to refer back to it.

Action Item:

  1. Summarize each Sales Objection Answer on an index card for easier memory retention.


  1. The recommendations given here are powerful, captivating and meaningful in a way that drills down to dispel the doubts clouding the potential client's mind. However, for those of us starting without the benefit of testimonials, past results, or the relevant and catchy story, the client's objections can be somewhat disarming to the novice. I am thinking that newbies, like me, need to fashion, on their own, a new set training wheels from the collage of what these video series are trying to show us. It's been a wonderful learning experience, so far. Thanks, Michael.

    • Thank you for the kind words!

  2. So far I am doing ok with objections the ACH authorization is a great tool they can spread the fee out over several payments

    • Glad this is helping!

    • Looks like I have a thechical issue,
      I am not able to listen week 6 video, my week 6 video is a duplicate of week 5 .


  3. I just retained my first client!!!! Streamlined Installment Agreement for $1500, they are current with their taxes and only owe $8700

    This just gave me so much motivation to KEEP PUSHING!!

    Thanks Roz!!!

  4. I am new to this and received my first client call from a business owner who had received one of my mailings. The business owed 2021 quarter 4 taxes on form941. went through the call and sales strategies suggested. When I tried to close the call and quoted the fee he provided all types of objections - did not want to pay the retainer. He stated that he should not have to pay until the matter was resolved and then based on how much was dismissed then he could pay for my services. Is it worth it to try and follow up with this client to see if he has changed his thought process or should I just forget about him?

  5. In the Domination System there are Answers to the 25 Most Common Sales Objections. You can find these on pgs. 423-452 in Module Two- "Sales". I suggest you write these out on index cards and practice them. The prospect may have raised these objections because they may have been "burnt" before by an unscrupulous provider.

    See objection #6, #10, and #13.

    Additionally, another answer I liked to use was "I don't know about you, but I don't know any lawyer that would work on contingency if the case goes to trial. That lawyer is entitled to his fee regardless of what the jury decides".

    It's the same with the IRS. The IRS has the final say. They are the final arbiter. I would follow up with him but make sure you're prepared this time with your answers.

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