Membership Details

Our Insider’s Circle Membership programs provide you with the ongoing support and confidence you need to grow and manage your tax resolution practice. Every month there is new information, trainings and guidance in Marketing, Sales, Case Management or Resolution.

Choose a Membership plan that’s right for you.

Whether you’re brand new to the IRS representation niche, have some experience, or want to scale your already thriving practice to the next level, there’s a membership plan that’s tailored just for you—

Gold, Diamond or Platinum!

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As a member you'll receive these exclusive monthly benefits:

8 Weeks to $10,000
The fast and easy system for attracting at least two pay-in-advance tax resolution clients worth a minimum of $10,000 within 8 weeks. Each week I provide a quick start training video where I guide you step-by-step to attract qualified leads, close the sale, and resolve your tax resolution cases.
(Value = $2,376)
Monthly LIVE Training Webinars
Discover cutting edge tips and strategies! Every month Michael teaches new content or invites an expert in the industry to share their expertise in either Marketing, Sales, Case Management or Case Resolution.
($297 per/month value)
Easy Template Library
24/7 Access to the plethora of marketing, sales, practice management and case resolution templates including: “swipe and deploy” letters, special reports, checklists, resources and tools in a downloadable word format.
($997 value)
Q&A Tele-Coaching Calls
This is your month opportunity to get your tax resolution questions answered live by Michael. Even if you don’t have a question, it’s great to listen to your fellow member’s questions—they might ask something that’s helpful to you!
($297 per/month value)
A Monthly 4-Page Done-For-You Tax Resolution Times
One of the best strategies to use in your arsenal of marketing tools. Every month we deliver to your inbox a done-for-you newsletter to send to all of your clients, leads, and referral sources
($149 per/month value)
Michael’s Top 6 Training Webinars
Michael’s most popular past training webinars that will help you succeed in your practice. These will change every few months.
($297 per/month value)
Have access to a 100% dedicated Tax Resolution Lead Capture landing page! This page will help you capture prospects that leave their contact information, so you can contact and follow-up with them.
($247 per/month value)
Unwavering support from our Roz Strategies team. Whether you have a question that needs to be answered or you need to know where something is located, you will receive a response within 24 hours.
($297 per/month value)

Have droves of qualified prospects find you online with our NO HASSLE social media program:
Every month you’ll have access to: (Fresh content provided monthly)

  • 2 Original Articles for Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
  • 4 Curated/Top New Stories
  • 10 Social Media Posts for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram

($497 per/month value)

Change your mindset and change your practice. Every month mindset coaching expert Lee Milteer interviews an expert to inspire and motivate you to implement the marketing and practice management techniques Michael teaches.
($197 per/month value)

Also included in the membership is
our New Online Course — 8 Weeks to $10,000!
When you follow this simple quick start blueprint you’ll be on the fast track to your new 6-figure tax resolution business!! ($2,376 value)

Just ONE new client @ $5,000 pays for 17 months of membership!
"I knew how to do the tax resolution work, but I didn't know how to do the marketing. Like some, I was skeptical, but I knew Michael's reputation and decided to give it a shot. Everything I have learned has been gold. Every piece of advice I have taken from Michael Rozbruch has made me money. I read his materials and started doing things the way he says to do it and it works.

This is the real deal, do not pass this up because it really really works."

Kenneth Mullinax,

Elite Tax Relief, Arkansas

"Last month I was retained by 3 tax resolution clients using your System for a total of $30,000!

I collected $15K in fees up front with 15K still to collect. I also did 106 tax returns in the same period, working 75 hours a week. The fees from the 3 tax resolution clients are about the same that 106 tax prep clients generated. Amazing! Things are starting to click and I'm more excited about the tax resolution business each day. And it's all because of you and your systems and the encouragement from you and your team. The more I do this work, the less I want to do the traditional accounting and tax work.

Mike -thanks for everything you've done for me and my family. God Bless You and Roslyn!

Peter Marchiano, CPA

Peter J. Marchiano, Jr., CPA & Business Advisors

Call our dedicated membership concierges:
Becky ( or John (,
or call (888) 670-0303—We’re here to help you succeed!

Everything in the Diamond Insider’s Circle Program and Member's Website is meant to help you succeed. Whether you use every technique I share with you, or just one or two strategies, my intention is to help you make more money in the tax resolution niche. The Diamond level Access will give you the confidence to get retained by more clients than you ever thought possible, help you to successfully handle your cases and ultimately give you the lifestyle and practice you've always dreamed of having!

I don’t want you to feel that you are “in this” alone. The reason I started my Diamond Insider’s Circle program and created an exclusive website is to make sure you have someone in your corner who's been in the trenches and who's “got your back” all the way. To that end, I want to personally speak to you to discuss your biggest business challenges. So, please call Becky at (888) 670-0303 to schedule your one-on-one bonus coaching call with me if you haven't had your call yet!